Makiek IT Solutions

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Google Photos Download

I used to make a backup of all photos of Google Photos to my local harddrive using the Google Drive application.
This application downloads every new file to my harddrive in the background.
The photo's are automatically uploaded from my phone to Google Photos.
Since the 10th of July 2019 Google Photos and Google Drive no longer automatically sync.
See this link for more information.

I really want to create a local archive of all my photos so I was looking for a solution.

I found out that my photos can be accessed using Google API.
So I decided to write a script to download my photos every day automatically.

Here are the steps I took to get this working:

1. Go to the: Google Cloud Platform Console.
2. From the Project drop-down menu, select or create the project for which you want to add an API key.
3. From the navigation menu on the left side, select APIs & Services > Credentials.
On the Credentials page, click Create credentials > OAuth client ID.
4. Choose Application type: Other and give it a name and click Create.
You will see a screen with your client ID and client secret.
Copy both of them, you will need them later.

To be continued...